How to Apply for Veterans Disability Benefits Successfully


How to Apply for Veterans Disability Benefits Successfully

With roughly 35% of all initial claims denied, applying for veterans benefits can be intimidating. Getting veterans disability benefits is a long and difficult process that can be overwhelming, especially in the beginning.

Apply for Veterans Benefits

There is a process to apply for veterans benefits that requires some precision and accuracy. If you’ve never tried to get veteran’s disability benefits before, you may feel like everything is an uphill battle. Begin the process armed with information so you’ll understand what’s required. 

Required Evidence To Support Your Claim

The Veterans Administration’s website has a great deal of information available to help you begin your application. You have five options for filing a claim: online, by mail, in person, and by fax, along with working with someone to assist you. This assistant could be a claims agent, a Veterans Service Organization (VSO) representative, such as the Disabled American Veterans (DAV), or an accredited disability attorney who understands how the VA works.

While you don’t need evidence at first to submit your claim, eventually you’ll be asked for it, including:

  • Medical and hospital records from the VA to document your injuries or condition, or demonstrate worsening
  • Medical records and hospital reports from private doctors and facilities related to your injuries or condition, or demonstrate worsening
  • Supporting statements from friends, family, fellow veterans you served with, law enforcement, or others, and explain your condition, or how it has worsened.
  • Your DD214. Yes, you can get another copy through the National Archives, either online, by mail, or by fax. Also available by request are your military records, including duty stations and assignments, awards, as well as qualifications, licenses, and certificates

If you choose to work with a disability attorney, they can make sure you have everything you need to satisfy your claim’s requirements.

Intent To File

If you’re planning to file for disability benefits using the paper form, the Intent To File form puts the VA on notice that you are preparing your application and gives you time to complete the initial application.

Before you apply for veterans benefits for disability, the Intent to File form establishes a start date for your claim. It also gives an initial date for your claim, rather than when your application is received. With this form, you’ve already started your claim, and you’ll have more time to gather medical, military, and other records. The start date is important since it will be the first date that you were eligible for benefits, and you could receive a larger back paycheck. 

Appealing The Initial Decision

Because so many claims are denied in the beginning, you’ll likely be denied too. However, don’t give up–you can file an appeal to that decision. The VA’s process allows veterans to have another chance to prove their case.

Unfortunately, the appeals process is even more frustrating than the first one. If you haven’t already begun working with a disability attorney, now is the time to start. You’ll have just one year from the date of the letter to file your appeal. Therefore, it’s important to start your appeal right away to avoid missing that deadline. If you’re facing an appeal, consider working with a disability attorney immediately to improve your chances of approval.

Herren Law Helps Houston Veterans

Getting veterans disability benefits is a difficult process that takes patience as well as understanding the law. William Herren is a disability attorney who has helped more than 4,000 Houstonians get the benefits they deserve, including veterans. Call The Herren Law Firm today at 713-682-8194 (or use our online contact form) to schedule your free consultation. There’s no obligation, and we’ll take your case on a contingency fee basis, with no up-front charges. You don’t owe a fee until we win your case.

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