How Houston Disability Lawyers Assist A Camp Lejeune Claim


How Houston Disability Lawyers Assist A Camp Lejeune Claim

Finally, the Veterans Administration is moving toward more help for veterans affected by the Camp Lejeune water contamination. Families who became ill following their time at the base had little assistance before the passage of the Camp Lejeune Act in 2022.

Now with the Act, family members can also seek and receive financial assistance for medical and other illness-related reimbursements through filing a claim. The Act suspends the statute of repose that previously stopped lawsuits against the US Government for these claims until August of 2024.

Camp Lejeune claims

Getting Started

Because a Camp Lejeune claim is a federal lawsuit, having a disability lawyer can make sure that the claim is completed correctly and expediently. The lawyer will work to protect your rights and ensure that your claim is filed on time.

Eligibility begins by showing that you were at Camp Lejeune for 30 days during the effective period, 1953 through 1987. While veterans can rely on military records, such as their DD-214 or other relevant documents, family members may not have records. Since the wells were closed 37 years ago and many people moved away from the base, chances are that these records were discarded long ago.

Civilian workers may be facing the same issues, especially if they no longer have their income tax filings. Most financial advisors suggest discarding these documents after 7 years. Because military families move frequently, they are more likely to not have these documents. Disability lawyers can not only handle the claim, but they can also help locate needed records.

Surviving family members filing a wrongful death claim will also need to show eligibility, including residency and medical records with a diagnosis. Family members can file wrongful death claims on behalf of their deceased family member even years after they’ve passed from their illnesses.

Appeals Following Denial

If your claim is denied, a disability lawyer can file the necessary appeals by going through the appeals process. Appeals have specific deadlines. Missing one can cause your claim to be dismissed.

Because a disability lawyer understands the system, they will be ready if you’re facing a denial of your claim.

Why File A Camp Lejeune Claim?

It may seem like an exercise in futility, but filing a claim can help you get justice for yourself or for a loved one who passed away and did not have the opportunity.

For a critically ill family member, pursuing a claim can bring financial security for a family devastated by a serious illness. Many families have already lost a member to illness, and many more may also see their loved one pass away early. A claim will help sustain the survivors when the family member is gone.

A Houston disability lawyer can help you with a claim, but only if you get started immediately.

Camp Lejeune Claim? Contact The Herren Law Firm Today

Until recently, only veterans could request help through the VA for their medical conditions. After the signing of the Camp Lejeune Justice Act of 2022, family members and civilian workers can now file a claim for compensation due to the harm they suffered from the contaminated water.

If you or someone you know became ill after working or being stationed at Camp Lejeune, contact us immediately for help filing your claim. You must file your claim by August 10, 2024, or risk losing the opportunity to collect compensation.

We’ve helped over 4,000 people, and we can help you as well. Contact us today by calling (713) 682-8194 or using our online contact form our consultation is free, and you won’t owe us a fee until we win your case.

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