Houston Long Term Disability Attorney


Houston Long Term Disability Attorney

Houston is one of the most vibrant, exciting cities in the US, and keeps getting better every passing year. We have great food of all kinds, culture, festivals, industry, shopping and a world-class Medical Center. The Houston area has everything you could ever want in a city.

Fortunately, if you have a long-term disability, Houston is also a good place to be.

Houston Long Term Disability Attorney

Getting Long Term Disability

If you’ve developed a long term disability that prevents you from working, your life has changed considerably. You may have to make a number of adjustments to continue living a normal life. Home modifications like a wheelchair ramp, “grab bars,” or lift to get back up and down stairs may be in your future. (If you don’t have the means, there are a number of grant programs available to help.)

While it’s a lot of trouble to have to “prove” that you’re disabled and can’t work, once you’re done, you’ll have time to take care of other things you may need.

If you need help with the application or appeals process, a long term disability attorney may be your next call. Forms, deadlines and evidence that are part of the process can be easy to overlook. An experienced LTD attorney can give you the help and oversight you need to ensure that your claim is properly submitted for approval.

Long Term Disability In Texas

Census figures from 2014 indicate that about 3.4 million Texans classified as “disabled.” A disabled person is has a wide range of services available, including:

  • Rehabilitation
  • Medical equipment
  • Job and career assistance
  • Medical care
  • Personal assistance attendants

The services available in Houston can help people with a long term disability live independently and stay in their own home, help find suitable jobs, get medical assistance devices and other needed equipment, help family members care for them, and assist with applying for disability if needed.

Texas Health And Human Services Commission

The state of Texas has services available for those with long term disabilities. You can get help applying for Medicaid or Medicare, Social Security or Supplemental Security Insurance, and apply for SNAP benefits if you need them.

Houston is in Region 6 of the HHS service area. You can find out more of what HHS offers at this website, and more about independent living services. You can also call 211 to request help.

The Houston Mayor’s Office For People With Disabilities

Established in 1993, three years after the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), this division of the Mayor’s Office is an advocate for Houstonians with disabilities. Register with this office and you can receive free legal assistance through the South Texas College of Law Legal Clinic (STCL). If you’re deaf or hard of hearing, you can also register for a free visual fire alarm through the City Of Houston Fire Department. Free tax help is also available, as well as parking permits. Call the MOPD office at 832-394-0814, or email at mopdmail@houstontx.gov.

Your Houston LTD Disability Attorney

The Herren Law Firm can help you with your application, appeals and help you get the long-term disability benefits you need so you can live your life. Contact us today at 713-682-8194 to schedule your free consultation. There’s no obligation and no up-front fees.  We only collect if we win your case.

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