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Social Security FAQs

What is the difference between “regular social security” and SSI?

“Regular social security” is sometimes called DBI for Disability Insurance Benefits. DBI is based upon earnings of the individual as documented by FICA tax receipts from wages. Supplemental Security Income (SSI) is a welfare program which is available as a stop gap for individuals without sufficient earnings to be covered by DBI.

How much does your disability attorney charge and do I have to pay if I lose?

A firm operates on a contingent fee. The fee for Social Security claims is 25% of the past due benefits up to a cap which is set by regulation. You do not owe unless you receive benefits.

Is consultation free of charge?

There is no fee for consultation.

How do I file an application for disability?

An application can be filed either in person at any of the Social Security Administration office, or by telephone, or on the internet. Be prepared to state when you became disabled, the medical reason for your disability, and the names, telephone numbers, and addresses of your doctors.

Can a Houston disability lawyer speed up my case?

A lawyer can help with your case, but in general cannot expedite the case. The cases are decided in the order of their filing.

Why did the Social Security Administration deny my case when my doctor said I am disabled?

A doctor should describe the nature and severity of your medical condition. The Social Security Administration makes an independent determination of disability depending on several factors, not just your medical condition. A bare assertion by a doctor that her patient is unable to work is not sufficient for purposes of determining disability. Your lawyer can help bridge this gap.

Should I consult a disability lawyer prior to filing or should I wait until I receive a denial notice?

Normally the earlier you consult with a lawyer the better.

What if I have missed one of the time limits?

A lawyer can help get your claim back on track. It might be necessary to re-file, but you should consult with a lawyer first. Do not wait.

What are the medical benefits?

DBI benefits include Medicare. SSI benefits include Medicaid. Medicare benefits begin 29 months after the onset of the disabling condition. Medicaid begins on the date of application or on the onset of the disabling condition if later than the filing date. Note that as of 2004 Medicare does not cover prescription drugs.

What are the cash benefits?

A monthly cash benefit for DBI recipients is much like that of retirement benefits. It is a calculated amount based upon earnings. Ask the SSA for your earnings record. The monthly SSI federal payment amount for 2015 is approximately $733. The amount is adjusted annually to account for cost of living.

For more information on social security benefits, you can contact Houston’s most trusted disability attorney at Herren LawCall us today at (713) 682-8194.

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Affordable, experienced legal help you can trust is available to you and your family

Herren Law does not charge a fee for a consultation and we work on a contingency basis. You do not owe us anything unless you receive benefits.

We are here to help you in your time of need.

Complete the online form, call us at 1-800-LAW (529)-7707, (713) 682 8194 or send us an email for a free case evaluation. You will get a response within 24 hours.